Giulia Di Tommaso
President & CEO, CropLIfe International
The world is facing unprecedented challenges to global food security. Between a supply chain already stretched thin due to COVID-19, the increasing effects of the climate crisis and the tragic war in Ukraine, food supply is in real danger in many countries.
With farmers around the world struggling to access – or afford – the inputs and technologies they need to ensure reliable food production, it is imperative we look toward global solutions and innovative approaches to meet these challenges.
Innovation in agriculture
We believe innovation in agriculture is key to allowing farmers to produce diverse, affordable and nutritious food while at the same time reducing emissions, halting biodiversity loss and improving rural community livelihoods.
Our members – the world’s leading agricultural innovation companies – are pioneering new seed treatments and varieties that increase drought tolerance, reduce the use of water and positively contribute to soil health. By combining new products with digital technologies, we can support much more accurate, efficient and safe farm management.
We also work with local communities to ensure traditional methods are respected and improved through solutions tailored to each environment and food system.
A collaborative approach
If we look at the scope of the challenges facing us – providing safe, nutritious food to 9 billion people by 2050 – it is clear we must be open to new ideas, conversations and voices. The challenge is too big for any one actor or sector to solve; a collaborative approach is required if we’re to achieve sustainable food systems.
It’s clear we must act together now to prioritise global actions.
These challenges require significant investment and commitment from both the public and private sectors. We should embrace new partnership opportunities that can drive us forward on global goals such as zero hunger, nature-positive, carbon neutrality and respect for human rights. We must also ensure all our activities are grounded in sound science and good stewardship practices.
CropLife International is proud to lead the way in promoting responsible use of plant science solutions, training millions of farmers annually in integrated pest management, safe disposal of obsolete stocks and empty container management.
Ensuring equitable access
Of course, these developments will not mean anything without prioritising an open trade and regulatory environment that ensures access and availability across the value chain. To address our global challenges, we must use all solutions available.
With the UN Secretary-General warning tens of millions of people are at risk of famine, it’s clear we must act together now to prioritise global actions that stimulate new innovations and new partnerships and ensure equitable access to critical technologies that move us toward more sustainable food systems.