Outsourcing in Clinical Trials UK & Ireland, 14th – 15th June, brings together pharma and biopharmaceutical companies in London, diving into operational challenges and innovations in clinical development. Register here

At the 6th Virtual Clinical Trials Conference, 18th – 19th May in Philadelphia, PA, hear case studies from current decentralized trials and discuss the future state of clinical research.

Diversity in Clinical Trials Summit
This June 7-8, join us at the Diversity in Clinical Trials Summit to make a positive impact on drug innovation and development, disease awareness, clinical trial outcomes, and health equity.

3rd Clinical Trial Agreements on August 8-9, 2022
DGE’s 3rd Clinical Trial Agreements Forum will walk you through important changes impacting CTAs, including incorporating cybersecurity language, complicated indemnification, complexities of third party contracting and increases remote monitoring.

3rd REMS Summit on September 12-13, 2022]
DGE’s 3rd REMS Summit (Sept. 12-13, 2022) provides unprecedented depth about inspection readiness, executing effective assessments, and juggling FDA submissions and changes, thanks to an all-new agenda.

7th Virtual Clinical Trials on December 5-6, 2022
The 7th Virtual Clinical Trials Conference will highlight the growing importance for a collaborative information exchange with more and more clinical trials switching to fully decentralized and hybrid models.

Join over 1000 clinical innovators and 40 expert speakers at Reuters Events: Pharma Clinical 2022 (May 17-19, Virtua) to achieve new standards in digital and patient innovation for clinical transformation.