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Scars, stretch marks or skin problems? Own them!


Peggy Stringer

Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner

Our bodies are often a road map for the journey that has gone before. But not everyone is comfortable with that. Whether it’s scars, stretch marks or pigmentation, we are often looking for ways to cover up.

By the time she turned 40, aesthetic nurse practitioner, Peggy Stringer, had heard every name under the sun for her rosacea. Until then, the rosy cheeks of her childhood hadn’t bothered her, but with the arrival of her fourth child came a dramatic change in her skin and she felt she had to do something.

With a background in mental health and palliative care, Peggy knew that she could help people not only to adapt or eliminate their skin concerns, but also come to terms with their issues.

Some people are disappointed by changes to their body

Self-acceptance and loving the skin you’re in may be well-worn phrases now, but that hasn’t stopped the influx of patients coming through Peggy’s door over the last 20 years. From mothers wanting to get rid of their stretch marks to scarring and rosacea sufferers like herself, Peggy makes sure that she always advises them on the correct course of treatment specific to their unique circumstances. This can sometimes mean recommending they use skincare products such as Re-Gen Oil or undergoing laser treatment. However, she always makes sure the recommended treatment includes a good dollop of self-acceptance.

Peggy says: “When someone comes to see me, we always get to the root of the problem. Maybe it’s not the fact that they have stretch marks, maybe they are just disappointed at the changes in their body that make them embarrassed to wear a bikini. While we talk about the end result, I’m always honest about the type of treatments we offer, but I also try and make them see that their body is nothing to be ashamed of.

“Our scars and stretch marks tell our stories, from the life we created to the weight we have lost or gained. And with today’s image conscious society it’s hard to embrace that.”

Laser treatment seen as “a last resort”

Peggy had been working with laser treatments when they first came to Ireland, but many of her customers still see it as a last resort. She says, “We have patients who come in who are desperate to see their flaws disappear, but they are worried about laser treatments. I take steps to implement follow-ups so I can not only monitor their results, but also keep an eye on their mental wellness.

“I do get a lot of appreciation from people who I’ve helped mentally because when they use products such as Re-Gen Oil, they can really notice the difference. Whether it’s their stretch marks fading or a plumpness of the skin, people who feel confident about their bodies and their experience are more likely to come back and tell me about their results.”

Owning up to the journey

Peggy’s background in mental health means that, to her, looking good isn’t about being perfect, it’s about owning up to the journey that created our imperfections and accepting that there will be some lumps and bumps along the way.

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