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ECCMID 2020 Programme highlights

The latest findings in infection research, guidelines and experiences

The European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) is the world’s premier Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases event that brings together experts to present the latest findings in infection research, guidelines and experiences to an audience of over 13,000 colleagues in 2019. This year, ECCMID’s 30th anniversary, the Programme Committee has developed a multi-faceted program incorporating keynote lectures and oral sessions, as well as interactive workshops, meet-the-expert sessions, open forums, and a wide range of symposia. In total there are seven different types of sessions to reach and connect with a broad audience.

Experts from around the world share their knowledge

In highly attended keynote lectures, renowned experts share their knowledge, shed light on recent findings and give perspective. ECCMID´s scientific programme is supported by invited symposia where expert speakers convene from all over the world and cover a wide range of topics in the fields of diagnostic microbiology, public health, vaccinology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, and treatment and clinical management of infectious diseases.

This year, the range of topics again includes further scientific areas such as antibiotic stewardship, infection control, and of course, emerging infections.

Several symposia are arranged in cooperation with ESCMID Study Groups, while others are jointly organised with partner societies or international health organisations. This year, the range of topics again includes further scientific areas such as antibiotic stewardship, infection control, and of course, emerging infections. The programme also features talks, not only on bacteria, but other pathogens as well like parasites, fungi and viruses. Overall, the topics are chosen to cover all hot topics coming up. Several thousand abstracts have been accepted for presentation as oral or poster presentations out of a record-breaking number of submitted abstracts.   

Equality in gender and geographical balance

ESCMID continues to endeavour for equal balance of opportunity for all genders and geographical locations, and this extends to ECCMID as well. Several hundreds of invited speakers and session chairs have been carefully selected to maintain gender and geographical balance. Overall, ESCMID is looking forward to promoting its mission of managing infections and promoting science this year at ECCMID 2020 in Paris through its engaging and diverse scientific programme.

Be part of it, enjoy the science, meet colleagues from related disciplines and different parts of the world, and celebrate with us ECCMID´s 30th anniversary.

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